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English translation for "carrier offset"


Related Translations:
offset heading:  偏离的航向
corrected offsets:  修正型值
offset harrow:  偏置耙
offset blanket:  橡皮滚筒
moderate offset:  适度的炮检距
offset time:  补偿时差
marginal offset:  边缘断错
offset cone:  移轴牙轮
carbon offsets:  碳抵销
match offset:  匹配偏移量
Example Sentences:
1.This thesis deals with the synchronization technologies for all digital receiver , particularly carrier offset estimation for mpsk signal
2.Chapter 2 . the influence of symbol , frequency and carrier offset to ofdm system is analyzed according to ofdm principles and typical sync methods are given
3.After that , based on the above discussion and technology comparison , an improved nda ( non - data - aided ) carrier offset estimation algorithm is proposed which has the advantages of improved carrier offset estimation performance and can be realized by high - speed dsp chips
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